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Sam Tejada's Journey in Integrating Mental Wellness with Personal Development

Sam Tejada's Journey in Integrating Mental Wellness with Personal Development

In a recent episode of the Jarek Tadla podcast, entrepreneur Sam Tejada, CEO of Liquivida®, Chairman of the American IV Association, and author of ‘How to Win in Modern Wellness,’ delved into his immigrant journey, entrepreneurship, and the crucial role of mental wellness in his success. Through candid conversations with host Jarek Tadla, Tejada shared invaluable insights into his relentless work ethic, resilience in the face of challenges, and strategies for maintaining mental wellness balance amidst the demands of leadership.

Lessons in Purpose and Vision

Tejada's journey began with humble roots, shaped by a childhood marked by determination and a desire to make a positive impact. From his early days shoveling snow and working odd jobs to founding Liquivida®, Tejada's unwavering commitment to his purpose - improving lives and giving back to those in need - has been a guiding force.


Reflecting on his upbringing, Tejada emphasized the importance of staying true to one's vision despite setbacks and obstacles. As a visionary leader, he stressed the need to see beyond immediate challenges and focus on long-term goals, inspiring his team to share in his vision for positive change.

How to Find Mental Wellness

Central to Tejada's philosophy is the interconnectedness of physical and mental wellness. Drawing from his experience as a firefighter paramedic, he highlighted the significance of holistic health in achieving personal and professional success.

Tejada emphasized the role of physical activity, proper nutrition, and self-care practices in maintaining mental clarity and resilience. Rather than viewing exercise as mere stress relief, he emphasized its role in promoting overall well-being and enhancing cognitive function.

Cultivating Present-Moment Awareness

In navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship, Tejada underscored the importance of present-moment awareness. Amidst the pressures of leadership and the relentless pursuit of success, he emphasized the need to pause, reset, and reconnect with what truly matters.

Tejada also shared strategies for staying present amidst the demands of work and personal life, including mindfulness practices and setting boundaries with technology. By fostering a culture of gratitude and mindfulness within his team, he strives to create an environment where individuals thrive both personally and professionally.


Sam Tejada's journey exemplifies the transformative power of purpose-driven entrepreneurship and the importance of prioritizing mental wellness along the way. Through his leadership at Liquivida® and commitment to fostering a culture of holistic well-being, he continues to inspire others to pursue their passions with clarity, resilience, and compassion.

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